
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A story whose time has finally come


  1. 'We cannot be neutral in our lifelong demise precisely because Jesus WILL NOT be neutral at our Divine Judgement' -blessed holy socks

    Ya better live withat fact, pal; ya better conform your indelible soul to that axiom, earthling: once this finite existence is finished, Jesus shall kick-you-out of Seventh-Heaven if you're lukewarm.

    This aint no joke, pal;
    what we do in our lifetimes
    has eternal consequences:
    Jesus sez...

    Howd'ya literally N figuratively
    WISEABOVE?? Pray the Stations. Go to Mass at least Sunday. Lissen. Pray the Rosary to kick-Satan's-ass. Carry your cross - literally and/or figuratively. Goto the Adoration Chapel located inside every Catholic choirch. Pray, pray, pray. Offer your whole day N night to the Trinity. DO IT! We dont have long before our LastPage.

    Withe filthy, whorizontal piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their scorecard destruction seeing who can git a lower place in Hellfire, dont you think your lifetime is EXTREMELY vital to the planet? Thus, to love the lives of others is to love your own: spread the Gospel of Jesus.

    God bless your indelible soul.
    Yes, earthling, Im an NDE.

  2. <- beautiFULL, if I do say so myself.
    Again, dude(tte - dunno wot thy sex
    is nor dost I care; I'll VitSee you as
    neutral, cool?). Here's our point, lil1
    (aint we mortals lil before God??
    Say YES, class); exactly how2avoid
    the snaresNtraps of this whorizontal
    roadkill-planet. Don't you know?? I
    thot everybuddy in the whole wide,
    world knew of my NDEr experience
    HeeHee Just joshin' witcha, dude:
    ● ●
    Cya soon...
