
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stories of victory rise from ashes of plane crash

       I look forward to reading November Ever After by Craig Greenlee. I have personally enjoyed talking with him about his memoir dealing with the tragic plane crash of the Marshall University football team and the events that followed.
       My first insight into this story came through the personal testimony of evangelist Ed Carter, who was a player on Marshall’s football team in 1970. While preaching at our church in Sumter, South Carolina in the early 1980s, he explained how his mother told him the plane was going to crash. Eventually, she was successful in persuading him to not get on the plane.
       Initially, Ed was thought to be on the plane when it crashed, and his name was listed in the obituary column of a local newspaper in his home town. To this day, I can remember him showing us the newspaper clipping of the obituary column! God saved Ed after that crash and called him to preach. He has since been used to win people to Christ all across this country and the world.
       Even today, there are many stories of triumph that are rising from the ashes of that horrific crash in November of 1970. A recent example occurred in March 2011. Ed preached at the Faith Baptist Church in Margate, Florida and 12 souls were saved, one of whom was Johnny Lewis, his former teammate at Marshall University. Ed and Johnny had not seen one another since 1973!
       I’m excited that Ed Carter’s story is one of many that will be told. I appreciate Bro. Craig Greenlee and the hard work that has gone into producing this book. November Ever After is a must read for me.
Pastor Gregory Dennis

Gregory Dennis is the pastor of Fellowship Bible Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.